They say it’s about the journey, not the destination … and what a journey this has been. The book took me in a train across the U.S., it took me to an elementary school classroom and a seven-story nightclub in Madrid, and it took me to a bar in New York City. It forced me to confront things about myself and about Life. It brought me so much.
And it taught me so much. When I started, I had no idea how to write a novel. The longest thing I’d ever written was a research paper in high school. I knew where the story would start, but I had no clue how or where it would end; it didn’t write itself, but in many ways, it did tell itself.
From the beginning, I told myself and others that I was writing this because it was something I needed to do. Whatever the outcome from here, I stand by that. No project has ever been more important to me, and I feel tremendously blessed that I have had the time to write down the things I all along wanted to say. Moving forward, the book will undergo changes and edits galore, but it’s at a point now that honors the vision I had for it seven long and short years ago.
Here’s to the journey. Here’s to Life.