So, here’s an update: I’ve published a few pieces on Elite Daily and Image Curve. Find my Elite Daily archives here and my Image Curve archives here (or click “The Human Comedy” tab on my site; I’ve listed my Image Curve collection there).
The Image Curve work is a series of short narrative fiction that I am publishing on a weekly basis. Each week, I identify a moment or situation in everyday life and create a brief fictional narrative from it. They’re all five-minute-or-less reads. My goal is to write one every week for a year, then publish them as a collection.
Some favorites from both sites:
“Timeline of Tears: How Volunteering at Ground Zero on the 9/11 Anniversary Change Me” on Elite Daily
“The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Why Pointing Fingers is Perpetuating the Violence” on Elite Daily
“Robin Williams Night” / “Missing Mohammed” / “Small Change” in “The Human Comedy” series on Image Curve